“Life is so constructed, that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation.”
I took the scenic academic route, maybe you know the one? It twists, turns, jackknifes, parallels and sometimes straight up plows through things like marriage, mortgage, general life crises, and gainful “permanent” employment. I eventually earned a BFA in Ceramics from the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2016 at the age of 30.
In 2022, my husband and I exchanged one vast, isolated landscape for another and relocated from Alaska to Montana.
Aside from clay, I am passionate about truth, peanut butter and deep breathing, (having lived without each of them for a time). I am tested by the recklessly arrogant, tasteless health food, and the despair that accompanies our broken world, (having always been in their presence, it seems). I strive for simplicity, but tend to overly complicate everything in my hot pursuit of it.
I like to make.
I like to obsess, though I prefer to think of it as just loving really hard.
I like to hide a little bit more than I like to be found.
I tend to miss buses that I'm expected to take and linger in quiet spaces.
I like cheese.
I partake in a few outdoorsy pastimes, but you'd just as soon find me curled up on the couch with an epic sci-fi novel.
Most importantly, this life and the marks made by it are all about grace. My life is simultaneously carved into and out of real grace, an element that can only be given by those who have received it, infinite and singly-sourced by the one who knows all of us, mind to marrow.